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Ask Dr NeilGeneral
November 5, 2020

When do I need a chest X-ray?

QUESTION: When do I need a chest X-ray? ANSWER: Normally the three key signs that an X-ray is required are chest pain, shortness of breath, and severe cough accompanied by green, cloudy, or rusty mucus. If you have underlying pulmonary or cardiac problems such as asthma or congestive heart failure, then…
Ask Dr NeilGeneral
October 20, 2020

Is garlic good for colds?

QUESTION: Is garlic good for colds? ANSWER: Garlic has mild antibacterial activity, but is not strong enough to help fight off infections such as strep throat or bacterial bronchitis. Garlic is delicious in food, but you need more targeted treatments for infections.
Ask Dr NeilGeneral
October 12, 2020

When should I call a doctor?

QUESTION: When should I call a doctor? ANSWER: With most respiratory infections you probably feel sicker than you actually are. Nasal congestion makes it hard to breathe, while inflammatory compounds raise fever and produce aches and fatigue. When you call your physician with these complaints you are not likely to get…