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Ask Dr Neil

Ask Dr NeilCovid 19
November 11, 2020

Can my dog catch COVID?

QUESTION: Can my dog catch COVID? ANSWER: There have been several reported cases of dogs, cats, and even a tiger becoming infected with COVID. They had mild symptoms and recovered quickly. There is no evidence that pets can transmit the virus to humans and it's more likely that they can catch…
Ask Dr NeilCovid 19
November 9, 2020

Can I get COVID twice?

QUESTION: Can I get COVID twice? ANSWER: Maybe. There are a few isolated reports of people contracting separate cases of COVID infections. Fortunately, in most of these cases, symptoms were mild or asymptomatic. However, they could still spread COVID without symptoms.
Ask Dr NeilCovid 19
November 7, 2020

Can I wear a mask over a beard?

QUESTION: Can I wear a mask over a beard? ANSWER: The hair of a beard or mustache will make it difficult for a traditional mask to have a close seal with the face. This loose fit provides less of a barrier to prevent COVID transmission. Try a ‘duckbill’ mask to provide more…
Ask Dr NeilGeneral
November 5, 2020

When do I need a chest X-ray?

QUESTION: When do I need a chest X-ray? ANSWER: Normally the three key signs that an X-ray is required are chest pain, shortness of breath, and severe cough accompanied by green, cloudy, or rusty mucus. If you have underlying pulmonary or cardiac problems such as asthma or congestive heart failure, then…
Ask Dr NeilAsthma
October 29, 2020

Can wool blankets provoke asthma symptoms?

QUESTION:  Can wool blankets provoke asthma symptoms? ANSWER:  Wool is an organic fabric and can potentially cause allergy symptoms in sensitive people. So can wool carpeting which will release irritating fibers in the air every you walk on them. In addition, wool is particularly favored by dust mites, whose allergens are…
Ask Dr NeilGeneral
October 20, 2020

Is garlic good for colds?

QUESTION: Is garlic good for colds? ANSWER: Garlic has mild antibacterial activity, but is not strong enough to help fight off infections such as strep throat or bacterial bronchitis. Garlic is delicious in food, but you need more targeted treatments for infections.
Ask Dr NeilColds and Flu
October 18, 2020

Should I exercise with a cold?

QUESTION: Should I exercise with a cold? ANSWER: I suggest that you do a “neck check.” If your symptoms are above your neck (e.g., sneezing, congestion, or sore throat) then it's okay to work out. But if you have symptoms below the neck, including cough, body aches, and chills, then take…
Ask Dr NeilColds and Flu
October 13, 2020

Does stress cause me to catch colds?

QUESTION: Does stress cause me to catch colds? ANSWER: Repeated studies have shown that stress depresses immunity and may increase the risk of developing infections. However, it's easy to tell you to relax and much harder to control stressful work and family relationships. In the peak season for colds and flu,…